March 27th, 2012
“A quite sinking and drowning feeling…”
This week’s headlines from Venice are reaching the subscribers to our list:
* Venice gets that sinking feeling
* Walking on broken glass
* Billions for thousands
* Patriarchal embrace
* Storming the beaches
* DST to EU
* Art shows in Italy
* Acqua Alta Bulletin
* Strike Calendar
* Suggested restaurants
* Suggested events: MUSIC, THEATRE, and EXHIBITS
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March 25th, 2012
If you haven’t yet, remember to turn your watch forward an hour. We will revert to standard time on Sunday 28 October.
The same rule is followed by all clocks in the European Union: Summer Time begins and ends at 1:00 a.m. Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time); it begins the last Sunday in March and ends the last Sunday in October. In the EU, all time zones change at the same moment.
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March 20th, 2012
“Venice saved by technology??”
This week’s headlines from Venice are reaching the subscribers to our list:
* Fewer for viewers
* The whine region
* Ecco the eco light: an echo of Kyoto
* Non-disruptive waves’ greater frequency
* Getting a charge
* Lost in translation
* The patriarch of triumph
* Art shows in Italy
* Acqua Alta Bulletin
* Strike Calendar
* Suggested restaurants
* Suggested events: MUSIC, THEATRE, and EXHIBITS
Please forward you subscription requests and advertising enquiries to
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March 9th, 2012
I am often asked when is the best time to visit. I recommend visiting Venice between Carnival and Easter. Luxury hotels along the Grand Canal are giving interesting discounts…. and the weather is pretty good. Fateci un pensierino - give a little thought to this…
Check the present weather forecasts
Posted in comments to newsletter, walking walking walking | Read/Post Comments »
March 9th, 2012
“Let’s face it: Venice is unable to protect its monuments…”
This week’s headlines from Venice:
* A monumental blind spot
* A wave of lagoonacy
* Dual use, single purpose, limited time only
* No cinema paradiso
* Rome to Sicily to Veneto to gaol
* Art shows in Italy
* Acqua Alta Bulletin
* Strike Calendar
* Suggested restaurants
* Suggested events: MUSIC, THEATRE, and EXH
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January 26th, 2012
I started working “in” the Internet in 1997… and VeniceWord was born in 2000. This blog is up since 2007 though quite discontinously - before the facebook and Twitter era.
While being refreshed with new content and info - with the promise of more frequent updates! - it is now again available for you to comment our weekly BUONGIORNO VENEZIA newsletter. This was its original purpose before being overwhelmed with sp.m messages…. So please: no ads, no shameless self-promotion, or your post will dive into the trash folder. Only approved comments will be published.
I deleted most previous posts (and comments, sorry), to make new room for new ideas. I am keeping just some, to mark a little history…
Thank you to all who contributed and will contribute!
And btw way we are obviously also on Facebook and Twitter!
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March 31st, 2008
… or the underwear??

the Calatrava bridge
this week’s newsletter talks of:
- Mutual exclusivity — more hotels and fewer tourists?
- April Fool’s Day — the best date for joking about money
- The 20-point handicap — each unforgivable
and, last but not least
- The Calatrava Bridge’s private views
Posted in so it goes, this week's newsletter topics | Read/Post Comments (6) »
July 17th, 2007
maybe it’s because i am such a last minute traveller and a fast planner when i travel for leisure: i am always delighted when people asking me about snow and rain and acqua alta when we are all sweating to death in july. or when i’m ask for the 2009 or 2010 pricing list for our services (isn’t is like mortgaging future?) but you are the right one, you must plan well in advance. just remember that venice is spiteful: not all can be planned, and surprise is part of the show.
one thing that you cannot plan - and not even forecast, my dear - is the weather. you cannot forecast acqua alta year by year whatever they say: a general trend can be observed, but forget to know today what the weather will be like on November 1st, say. ACCEPT THIS! for instancw, in years we experienced acqua alta some days in september october november december january february march april may.. did i forget something?
anyway: high tide lasts only for some hours a day. if you avoid the lower areas (around st mark’s) it’s nearly ok. do not get impressed when reading “tide = 100 cms”, this is from the sea level. high tide very rarely comes up over the knee in most areas (if it does come higher, we all may be in very serious trouble).
there are rubber boots sold here in winter which solve the problem. so: be prepared for possible rainy and windy days, and possible tide, but remember this is not alaska. and there’s a wonderful webpage where you can read more: 
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July 10th, 2007
Many loyal subscribers have told us over the years that they save their Buongiorno Venezia newsletters for future reference. We are curious: who among you has saved the most? Count the issues and let us know via our good old contact form We’ll ask the winner to submit proof before awarding them one night in Venice for two :-). [Our English-language editor at Wordsworth & Company has graciously withdrawn from competition, since he has kept a copy of every newsletter since May 2003. I wonder how he can sleep at night
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