Archive for January, 2013

RE: pay to see the churches?

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

Re to the last issue of BUONGIORNO VENEZIA
I see no problem with the Mayor’s confrontation re “pay to see Churches’ . The tariff is only right. Tourists do not respect the Churches and will still walk in to the front in the middle of a Mass or Benediction! I have been allowed in at Frari, without paying, when I wanted to pray. Let the Tourists, who do not want to pay, then be obliged to pay. They do not attend Mass on Sunday so why should they not pay?? Tourists regard churches as being free art galleries!

I pay towards my church in Ascot, which needs major repairs. We are not on the tourist circuit so nobody else pays. (the roof is falling in - it all costs money) - Alasdair - UK