a test

As announced months ago, something new was about to happen at http://www.veniceword.com — but things in venice are slower than reasonable. so while still waiting for projects to be approved and authorizations to come for our new office in venice, i decided to work at the announced blog. at first they will be things written for myself.

Building up a blog takes less time than the - announced too - website restyling (this is another story. we took bad habits :) and now i’m basically testing the platform. this occasional diary is then aimed to continue our dialogue with the readers of the newsletter Buongiorno Venezia.

i’m not yet that techy yet with blogs. as soon as i learn how to do it, i promise i’ll have every post change top and bottom photo. english is not my mother language: i’ll appreciate you to correct  major mistakes if you feel so. i hope that my meaning can be easily  understood all the same!


hope you’ll enjoy the stuff :-)

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